Stop Smoking

Support that works for you

We know that stopping smoking can be hard, but you don’t have to do this on your own. There’s lots of support available to give you the help you need to give up cigarettes. You are more likely to stop smoking for good with the right support.

Start Now

What happens when you stop smoking? Health benefits you will see right away

Our bodies are amazing!  After years or even decades of smoking cigarettes, our bodies can make vast improvements when you kick the habit for good!  And some of the positive changes can happen within 24 hours of putting out that last cigarette!

After 20 Minutes

Your blood pressure and heart rate will begin to drop back to a steady level. As well, the fibres in the bronchial tubes which help to move bacteria and irritants will begin to start moving again.

After 24 Hours

Your heart will begin to repair itself – even after years of cigarette abuse. Even after just 1 day of not smoking, you are already reducing the risk of heart attack.

After 2 Weeks

You should start to notice that you are breathing easier and starting to walk with more ease. This is due to the improvement in your circulation and oxygenation. In fact, your lung function can increase by up to 30% according to studies from the University of Michigan.

After 1 Month

After one month of putting out your last cigarette, you should be experiencing a vast improvement to your overall levels of energy. You may also notice a reduction in your sinus congestion and shortness of breath when you are active.

After 10 Years

Once you hit the 10 year mark of not smoking, your risk of dying of lung cancer will have reduced to that of a non-smoker! On top of that, the risk of other smoking-related diseases will also dramatically reduce!

Getting Support

If you are looking for a helping hand to help you quit smoking, there are some amazing Stop Smoking services that are available through the NHS.  Explore some of the Support services below.

  • Newsletter
  • Support in your area
  • 1 on 1 Sessions

Going it Alone

If you are ready to take your health in your own hands, replacing your damaging cigarette habit with a less harmful alternative like Nicotine Replacement Therapies or an E-Cigarette can be an great 1st step to living smoke-free.  Public Health England suggest that “e-cigarettes are at least 95% less harmful than smoking traditional cigarettes” .

  • E-Cigarettes & Vaping
  • Starter Kit
  • Nicotine Replacement Therapy